Confession: I completely forgot ½ the moves of the opening number on stage. This is where peripheral vision comes in handy. Just follow along, and never loose that
“I know exactly what I’m doing” smile.
Catch the camera man totally checking me out. ^^^ (lol) He's actually a friend of mine.
“In the event of a slippery stage, sandpaper the bottom of your shoes.” Who came up with this nonsense? A well known pageant "secret" that totally does not work, and neither does duck tape! Rubber soles and a comfortable heel however = comfortable, confident walk.
Negativity. People will always have something to say to try and throw you off your game. Be confident in yourself and your decisions, and be fabulous!
With all the chaos going on backstage of a live television show production, expect (and plan for) the unexpected. From shoes straps failing, earrings breaking, to major dress malfunctions. Always have a plan B, C, & D. In fact, my evening gown.. was a plan B.
Why I decided to where short hair? Well, why not! Approaching coronation night, many people had much to say about me wearing my naturally short hair to compete in a beauty pageant. Mostly positive, but some not so much. “You need pageant hair, you need glamorous hair” they said. I personally don’t believe glamorous or beautiful hair means long, flowing, big barrel curled weave; although big barrel curled weave is very pretty ☺. My natural hair is fabulous honey! When people have something to say about your hair, your body, the clothes you wear, whatever, listen.. take their advice for what its worth, but at the end of the day, do what you feel is best for YOU. Be certain and beautiful with all that you are, and work it!
In regards to a certain Mr. Minister and his comments regarding my #economybody, and my *clears throat* #BESTFIGURE..
see link-->
I've accepted your apology and still wish you all the best ☺.
Overall, Gina Hargitay is a phenomenal Miss Jamaica World. I'm so happy for her! She’s wickedly intelligent, and stunningly beautiful inside and out. The girl is quite incredible. I wish her much success at the upcoming Miss World and hopes she brings home the crown!!
Photo Credit: STUSH Jamaica
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?" -Marianne Williamson
One of my favorite quotes ever, and I believe many people can relate. Personally, more than I am afraid of total failure, I'm terrified of succeeding beyond my wildest dreams.There's a little part of me that feels that I just might not be good enough. But in the wise words of YouTube viral sensation Sweet Brown.. "ain't no nobody got time for that", life is too short. Just yesterday I was 16 years old, imagining where I would be in a few years.. and here I am, in the moments I imagined. I don't want to look back when I'm 25 or 75 and wish I would have started today. As I fullfill my goals, and do the things I was once afraid of doing, that little voice saying "your not good enough" gets more and more quiet. If one shoots for the moon and disastrously fails, at least they'll be among the stars. So shoot for the moon. But don't fail. Failure is not an option.
Im just a girl with big dreams, conspiring a master plan to conquer The Universe ; gain incredible experiences, meet phenomenal people, look fabulous, contribute to my community, save the world, and inspire others along the way.
Welcome to My Official Blog.
Sincerely, Jenaae.